About us

LDM spol, s r. o. was established by three partners in the mid of 1991. From the very beginning it has always been and also for the future will be focused on production of industrial valves.
The history of production of industrial valves in Česká Třebová is dated since 1909 when Mr. Josef Jindra founded a company with the homonymic firm name. Period catalogue of Jindra and Šrefl company in 20´sIn 1919 he amalgamated with Mr. Václav Šrefl and established the company Šrefl and Jindra, later registered as Jindra and Šrefl. Then produciton programme included wide variety valves from small brass water valves over gas valves up to steam valves made of cast steel, including steam safety valves. At the end of 1929 both partners were separating and both founded own factory in Česká Třebová for manufacturing of industrial valves. Nowadays the former Šrefl´s factory is the part of production facilities of LDM.
After nationalization in 1948 both companies changed their names several times till 1975 when became a part of worldwide known Czechoslovak concern Sigma Lutín. After so-called velvet revolution is the Sigma concern separated to different companies which were privatized or restored.
Also the Sigma Česká Třebová was privatized and became an joint-stock company, nevertheless the company became bankrupt in 1995. LDM bought it and became the continuator of more than 100-years of valves manufacturing tradition in Česká Třebová. 
LDM facility todayCurrently LDM is strongly export-oriented company with more than 220 employees and LDM industrial valves can be found worldwide particularly in power generation, industrial processes, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas industry and other applications. LDM product range includes control valves, shut-off valves and safety valves in pressure ranges from PN 6 to PN 630 and dimensions from DN 10 to DN 600. The wide product portfolio is a reason why LDM valves can be found in almost all fields of human activities where it is necessary to control a flow, pressure or temperature.
LDM has its own subsidiary in Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Russia and Kazakhstan and many authorized partners in other countries.
LDM has also well-established and certified integrated quality management system according to standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 which it is ensuring permanent quality and a high level of all company processes.
As follows from above mentioned, LDM company dignity continues the long-time tradition of industrial valves manufacturing in Česká Třebová to which proudly claims as its successor. The company´s future consist in fulfilment of the vision that was allready defined in 1995:

  • World-famous, leading and trend-making company in the development, production, sale and service of industrial valves
  • Dynamic company allowing to all their employees achievement of high level of self-fulfillment and social prestige
  • Reputable company whose name stands for high utility value, quality and reliability

A sample of manufacturing portfolio of LDM nowadaysSucessfull fulfillment of the vision results from the conviction, that three main pillars on which the company stands are strong. The first pillar are our customers and their needs whose satisfaction is directed effort of the whole company to. The second pillar are our products. LDM is company which firmly stands on its own development, so the cycle of a development, design, manufacturing, sale and service is closed. The third and no less important pillar are own employees who are able to respond flexibly to constantly changing market requirements and who are able to actively and jointly form the company future. Ultimately, not only many awards from international exhibitions from past, but also many OEM products, whose LDM manufacture and delivers to many other producers under their own brand, recognize the high quality of LDM production and confirm the right way, which LDM took in 1991.


  Presentation of LDM company, in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

IMS Policy

Vision of LDM

The company vision defines long-term objectives in the development of LDM and it can be summarized in the following three points:

  • World well-known company setting the pace and direction in development, manufacturing, sale, and service of industrial valves
  • Dynamic company enabling all its employees to achieve high level of self-realization and social prestige
  • Socially highly reputable company whose name is a symbol of quality, high utility value and reliability


IMS Policy

Integrated policy regarding quality, occupational health, safety and environmental protection management system (IMS) for LDM, spol. s r. o., Česká Třebová

The IMS in LDM is in accordance with requirements of laws and regulations in the sphere of quality, environment and safety and health protection at work. It is understood by all employees as a mean by which the needs, requirements and customer expectations are constantly met and even exceeded and a mean for environmental protection and ensuring a safe and healthy workplace.
The objective of this IMS is customer satisfaction and the criteria of all the effort of the company.
IMS Policy of LDM, spol. s r.o. is to provide only those products and services that meet the demands of customers, gaining their complete satisfaction, are safe and environmentally friendly.
To ensure compliance with policy of IMS, LDM activities are all carried out under the following main principles:
  • All activities of the company are subject to compliance with documented procedures of IMS according to EN ISO 9001, EN ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. The system level is regularly evaluated and there are measures being taken leading to its continuous improvement.
  • All company activities are conducted in a positive spirit to create and develop relationships with shareholders, suppliers, government agencies, public and especially customers.
  • Every employee of the company in the course of their work behaves respectfully and kindly to the environment, respects the principles of health and safety protection at work and other general applicable laws.
  • Every employee in the company is familiar with the policy of IMS and is aware of the importance of quality, health and safety protection at work and environmental protection and carries out their work in an active and competent manner at all times. The basis for quality work is ongoing staff training and active personnel policy.
  • All suppliers are required to ensure their services and products meet the requirements of IMS, that they are not discriminated and the company at the same time requires the conflict minerals not to be contained in supplied goods.
  • Development of products and services are based on customer needs and are conducted in such a way that the IMS requirements are met before they are placed on the market.
  • Marketing and sales activities are conducted in a fair spirit to our customers. There must be no activities that cause unsatisfiable expectations.
  • Internal and external risks are managed the across company to maintain and improve of IMS effectiveness.


   ISO Certificate (CZ) in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

   ISO Certificate (ENG) in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format

   ISO Certificate (RUS) in *.pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format